SPRINGFIELD – Telehealth services will be expanded and adopted across Illinois – with a focus on disadvantaged communities – because of a law sponsored by State Senator Napoleon Harris, III (D-Harvey).
“Telehealth will not only help patients but doctors as well,” Harris said. “Now appointments can be more efficient when in-person visits are not needed, and disproportionately impacted community members will have access to these services, which were not equitably provided throughout the pandemic.”
SPRINGFIELD –Illinois now allows student-athletes to be paid for the use of their names, image, or likenesses because of ex-NFL and Northwestern University alum State Senator Napoleon Harris, III (D-Harvey).
“Finally student-athletes will receive some financial benefit for the use of their names, images, and likenesses,” Harris said. “Their schools will no longer receive all the financial benefits. The students deserve compensation from the hard work of being a college athlete and making their schools millions of dollars.”
The NCAA came out in support of paying college athletes but still has not provided guidelines on compensation for participating in sports other than through scholarships.
This law allows student-athletes to earn compensation for the use of their names, images, or likenesses – not their athletic ability. It will allow them to receive payment for products like apparel and video games that use their names or images. This law will be preempted if the federal government or the NCAA enacts its own regulations.
Also, this law will prohibit student-athletes from benefiting from their athletic abilities, participating in intercollegiate athletics or sports competitions, attending a specific educational institution, or entering into a publicity rights agreement.
HARVEY – As a strong advocate of allowing compensation for student-athletes, State Senator Napoleon Harris, III (D-Harvey) supports the Supreme Court decision to allow these students to receive education-related payments.
“College sports is a billion-dollar industry, and these student athletes are not compensated nearly enough for helping their schools and the NCCA build a commercial empire,” Harris said. “This decision is a great step toward helping these student-athletes receive fair compensation, but it doesn’t go far enough. I still believe they should be allowed to be paid for the use of their images and likenesses in connection to products like clothing and video games.”
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Napoleon Harris (D-Harvey) released the following statement regarding a budget that addresses Illinois’ unemployment system and the Black Caucus plan to rid Illinois of systemic racism.
“One of the greatest needs in our state is to continue to provide access to unemployment resources to workers who were laid off because of pandemic. We increased funding to the Department of Employment Security by over $100 million for software upgrades and staff increases.
“Also, some of the Black Caucus agenda to rid Illinois of systemic racism will receive funding to ensure our disadvantaged communities get the investments they need the most.
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