SPRINGFIELD – To prevent an abusive partner from receiving spousal support, State Senator Napoleon Harris, III (D-Harvey) introduced legislation to create the Domestic Violence Maintenance Task Force.
“Victims of abuse should not have to pay alimony to an abusive spouse, regardless of their financial situation,” Harris said.
House Bill 861 creates the Domestic Violence Maintenance Task Force. The task force will review domestic cases involving domestic violence and maintenance awards, also known as alimony, and issue recommendations to improve court procedures regarding a maintenance award when a spouse has been convicted of domestic battery or aggravated domestic battery against the other spouse.
“Requiring any spouse to pay alimony to their partner who has been convicted of domestic or aggravated battery is unjust and should be written in Illinois law,” Harris said.
House Bill 861 passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and will now head to the full Senate for further debate.
SPRINGFIELD — Following Will Evans’ announcement to step down as chair of the Illinois Tollway, State Senator Napoleon Harris, III (D-Harvey) released the following statement:
“The equitable progress Will Evans brought to the Illinois Tollway was a step toward bridging historical disparities that have long plagued our workforce.
“Evans’ advocacy to make the Tollway more diverse through providing an equal opportunity to obtain construction contracts will not be forgotten. Evans’ perspective as an African American combined with Executive Director José Alvarez’s perspective as a Latino created a unique and diverse background to lead The Tollway to contracting more minority workers than ever before.
“I am hopeful the foundation he set to prioritize minority-owned businesses will only be built upon in the years to come.”
State Senator Napoleon Harris Budget Address Reaction
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Napoleon Harris (D-Harvey) released the following statement regarding a proposed budget that makes mental health and public safety a priority in Illinois:
“As this pandemic continues to hinder us from returning back to our normal lives it is imperative that our budget provides resources and programs that invest in mental health. I strongly support a budget that will provide $63 million to strengthen behavioral health organizations, sustain the well-being of our frontline workers and invest in mental health programs.
SPRINGFIELD - As the ongoing teacher shortage persists, State Senator Napoleon Harris, III is leading a measure to allow retired teachers to return to the classroom for a longer period of time.
“The ongoing teacher shortage is affecting our children but allowing retired teachers to bring their expertise back to the classroom for longer would help students thrive,” Harris said.
Senate Bill 3201 allows retired teachers to return to the classroom for 150 days or 750 paid hours. Currently, retired teachers are only allowed back in the classroom 120 days per year.
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