DOLTON – As local businesses continue to see financial losses from the COIVD-19 pandemic, State Senator Napoleon Harris (D-Harvey) urges small business to apply for the second round of the Business Interruption Grants.
“Small businesses need our support – now more than ever. They are a pillar of our local economy, and our state made it a priority to ensure they stay afloat,” Harris said. “I encourage small businesses to take advantage of this opportunity.”
Applications for the second round of the BIG program are available now and will offer $220 million in funds for small businesses hit hardest by the ongoing pandemic.
The second wave of funds from BIG aims to provide relief for all types of small businesses, with a focus on businesses located downstate and in disproportionately impacted areas. Application information for the second round of funds and can be found on the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity website at
DOLTON – State Senator Napoleon Harris, III (D-Harvey) an advocate for the inclusion of minorities in all industries, voiced his support on giving Black businesses the tools they need to succeed and compete in Illinois business marketplace at a hearing Thursday.
“Black business owners often face more hurdles when it comes to obtaining working capital and resources,” Harris said. “It’s no secret that minority-owned business owners often have weaker banking relationships than white business owners. However, as a state, we can help provide the tools to help Black businesses succeed.”
DOLTON – In order to continue the conversation on the importance of Black history education, State Senator Napoleon Harris, III (D-Harvey) has become a steadfast advocate of incorporating Black history lessons into schools’ curriculums.
“Nowadays, Black history is an afterthought in the classroom, taught only during the month of February for Black History Month,” Harris said. “Black history is for everyone to learn, and it can’t be contained in just one month. It needs to be a priority course at Illinois schools.”
DOLTON – To support Illinois’ ongoing pandemic response, the U.S Department of Labor created two new grants that will bring nearly 1,300 jobs to the state, and State Senator Napoleon Harris, III urges unemployed workers to apply.
“Thousands of Illinois residents have lost their jobs due the pandemic, and this investment provides the opportunity for many of them to return to work,” Harris said. “Our working families are one of the most essential factors for the state’s recovery.
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